Monday, 10 July 2017

Tips choosing a smartphone properly

Tips choosing a smartphone properly- This brand is nice loh !!, choose this brand only, the camera is good, big RAM, or if you want durable, use this only !!

That's what the sellers say if you want to buy a smartphone at the store. You must be confused to choose the type of phone you want, of course, a comfortable phone for daily use.

Tips choosing a smartphone properly

Mobile phones are a basic need for the benefit of communication or seeking information. In the present era, smartphones from various brands have been widely circulated in the market. Of course, they use different marketing strategies. There are those who produce smartphones on a large scale without any limitations, some are deliberately producing little. Advertise smartphone products can also attract community initiatives to buy it.

In contrast to xiaomi products that do not advertise their products and prefer to promote their products through forums.

If you want to buy a mobile phone but you are confused about choosing which one is nice or comfortable to use, I will give you some tips so that you are not wrong in choosing a smartphone:

Do not look at the brand
Famous brands do not mean all phones in their production are good to wear and also durable for several years or several centuries xD.

All also depends on your usage, if you take care of your phone like your own child (save, keep it, and love it) it will probably last for the next few years and it may be for the next 5 years. Even famous brands can be long lasting if you take good care of them.

Choose according to your budget
This is important considering the phone now has a high price, can be up to 10 million for high-end phones. If you have a mediocre budget, we recommend choosing a mid-end or low-end phone. You need to know that mid-end and low-end phones are now, no less good with high-end phones. So, if your budget is fit, you should select the mid-end smartphone only.

See smartphone specs
This is the most important, see the specification of the phone you want to buy. In Google many specifications of various types of smartphones, you can see it clearly. If you want a good smartphone for everyday use, Ram and battery capacity should be noted. This is very important for the use of social media, gaming, or multitasking.

For gaming phones usually, Ram, GPU, and processor speed is important to note. Smartphones with a powerful combination of processor and graphics that qualified will further pamper you while playing the game.

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That's how it is not wrong in choosing a smartphone, so you do not need to be confused or ask your friends and relatives. You can try my suggestion above.

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