Sunday, 17 September 2017

Custom ROM OFFICIAL AOSP Redmi Note 4 snapdragon (Repost)

Custom ROM OFFICIAL AOSP Extended V4.6- kali ini saya akan me Repost kedalam bahasa indonesia (tidak semuanya) sebuah thread dari XDA Developer ,thread yang di buat oleh thp@1997 

yaitu Custom ROM OFFICIAL AOSP Extended v4.6 [Nougat] yang di build pada tanggal 17/09/2017 untuk device xiaomi redmi note 4 khusus untuk versi snapdragon, langsung saja...

Tentang AOSP Extended :

AOSP Extended adalah rom berbasis AOSP yang menyediakan stock UI / UX dengan berbagai fitur kostumisasi berkolaborasi dengan Substratum theme engine. karena berbasis pada AOSP akan memberikan pengalaman yang mulus dan anti lag. Kami akan terus mencoba menambahkan lebih banyak fitur dan membuatnya lebih baik lagi di masa mendatang. ROM yang di buat oleh pengguna, dan untuk pengguna. #StayAOSP #ExtendYourDevice #BeExtended

Fitur-fitur :

-DUI (Fling / Pulse / Smartbar)
-Substratum Theme Engine
-Omni's QSHeader Background
-One Handed UI
-Inbuilt SuperSU
-Privacy Guard
-Expanded Desktop
-Statusbar Clock / Date customizations
-Dashboard suggestion / summary (Enable / Disable)
-Notification Intervals
-Improve the Volume in the Ringtone
-D2S in Navbar
-Long press the Back button to kill the app
-Print Configuration column
-Detailed Location QS Tile!
-Statusbar Traffic Indicators
-Notify the count
-Dt2s on Statusbar
-QS pulldown fast
-QS Brightness Slider (Enable / Disable)
-QS Animation Tiles
-Force extends the notification (Enable / Disable)
-Immersive Mode messages (Enable / Disable)
-Flashlight Notifications
-Guely repeat
-Office icon
-MediaScanner behavior on boot
-Power Menu Customizations
- Additional Battery Saving Steps
-Volume Rocker tweaks (Wake / Music seek / Keyboard cursor control / Swap in landscape mode)
-Spanish Translations
-PT BR Translation
-Update Fling Logo
-Add gestures to app settings
-A haptic feedback
-One tap & Wifi tile data
-Then the toggle brightness icon
-Breathing Notifications
-Key keys and date in the statusbar header
-As long as the gear icon in the statusbar header launches Extensions
-Show 4G instead of LTE switch
-Night Mode is back
-Night Mode QS Tile
-Long press caffeine tile action
-Customize QS Rows / Columns
-change the small QS Tiles
-StatusBar brightness control
-Lockscreen Shortcut
-Double tap on the lockscreen to sleep
-Key Key for PIN / Password
-Battery Styles and percentages
-Change the default file manager to Explorer MK
-Add FMRadio
-Navbar QS Tile
-Flip Button Animation
-Unlink Notification volume
-Status bar clock Seconds
-ScreenShot Type Letters
-Delay display screen
-Slimperience browser
-Pixel bootanimation (Experimantal)
-Pixel UI (Navbar / Accent / Pixel launcher)
-Type camera toggle
-Advance Ambient Display
-Longpress power button on lockscreen for torch
-Disable FC
-Wakelock Blocker
-Toggle Lockscreen Media Art
-Toggle Lockscreen music Visualizer
-Bluetooth QS tile easy toggle (one touch)
-CM's Eleven Music Player
-Disable QS on Lockscreen
-Invert Ambient display's Color
-Toggle Dynamic color notification card
-Low Battery Notification Toggle
-Hide Clock / Date / Alarm text from lockscreen
-Lockscreen Clock's font customizations
-Weather in lockscree
-Heads up customization
-DU HW rebinding button
-Masquerade "Twenty Procyon" (Update urgent security patch for Substratum v560)
-Correct adjustment of the backlight
-Just clear all the cool buttons and reposition them
-Recents Free Ram bar
-Custom Carrier label Navbar is dynamic
Dan masih banyak lagi yang akan datang!!! 

Cara menginstall :

1. Download ROM nya di bawah (Bukan link reupload)
2. Full wipe 3W( data, cache, dalvik ) 4W lebih baik (System)
3. Flash Firmware
4. Flash ROM AOSP Extended nya
5. Flash Gapps 
6. Full wipe (3W) agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan
7. Reboot!!!

Bug :

-bisa langsung saja ke thread xda nya

Link Download :

  atau biar mudah langsung saja klik DISINI
 - opengapps pilih untuk nougat

Credit :

-JDC Team
-Huge thanks to @srisurya95& @Akhil Narang(Devs of AOSP-OMS)
-Nitrogen Project
-Pure Nexus
-GZR Community
-@KrapK (Spanish Translation)
-@jhenrique09 (PT BR Translation)
-@kormateusz (For MK Explorer)
-@creative21(For Dark Pixel BootAnimation)
-@SaschaHa(For Slimperience Browser)
-@AlienCreature7 and @Wizper99 (For designing the ROM Logo, Fling etc)

Terima kasih untuk :

> Tirth Patel (thp@1997)
> Abhishek Agarwal (abhishek987)
> All The members of #Team_Sanam
> flar2
> Frans
> franciscofranco
> SultanXDA

Custom ROM OFFICIAL AOSP Redmi Note 4 snapdragon (Repost)

Untuk screenshot lainnya bisa dilihat di
Original Thread :

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