Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Hello guys😋
Hari ini ane akan share Port ROM Oct OS dari Lenovo a6000 untuk Andromax A, Portingan ane sendiri😁 kalo ada bug maupun kurang enak di pakai maklumin sadja Hanya seorang newbie yang iseng untuk Port ROM😄Langsung sadja
What features??
- Android 6.0.1
- Optimized for the best efficiency (battery and performance)
- Smooth as hell!!
- Live Display
- Ambient Display
- Separate customization menu, which can be hidden
- Omniswitch
- Clear-all recents
- Immersive recents
- Status bar clock/date customization (format, colour, etc)
- Battery icon customization
- Status Bar Header Image
- QS Tiles customization
- App Circle Bar
- Buttons customization
- Volume Steps
- Gesture Anywhere
- Kernel Adiutor
- Lock Screen customization
- Toast Icon
- Power menu customization
- SuperSU
- Privacy Guard
- Status Bar Greeting
- Battery Bar
- Traffic Indicator
- Theme Engine
- More to come!
- Based AOSP
Know Bug :
How to install :
- Masuk TWRP/CWM
- Pilih ROM nya yang sudah di download, kemudian swipe to install
- Tunggu sampai selesai
- Pilih Patch nya
- Tunggu sampai selesai
- Wipe cache/dalvik
- Reboot
- Setelah masuk home screen, kembali lagi ke TWRP
- Pilih install image
- Pilih Boot.img nya, Swipe to Install
- Reboot.....
Original POST : Xda
Link Patch : DISINI
Link Boot.img : DISINI
ss :
Credits :
Om @EL Maleek System patch Saktinya :)
Om difa agung :)
Om difa agung :)
The Hard Gamer(XDA) :)
@mshoaib(XDA) :)
TeamOctos (y)
Grup Lenovo A6000/Plus indonesia
Grup [Official] [2nd] Andromax A A16C3H - HP 4G Serba Bisa
XDA Developer
Maaf bila banyak kekurangan, Ane hanya PORT. Amvun mastah🙏🙏
Maaf bila banyak kekurangan, Ane hanya PORT. Amvun mastah🙏🙏